“Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”?

“Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Good advice, but only when the “it” is ACTUALLY what’s true for you.

Unfortunately, for most people, the “it” is often just more conditioning/ego bullshit. Fixated on status, fame, validation, becoming something “more”, doing the “right” thing, being attached to limited external goals or outcomes, etc.

In that case, you might as well change the quote to “feel the [conditioning] and do [this other conditioning] anyway” 😆

Even if you achieve “it”, whatever it is, the end result will just be strengthening the muscle of following confusion – and trust me, that muscle don’t need more exercise!

But if you feel the fear/conditioning and follow what’s TRUE for you anyway…well, NOW we’re talking.

This is where the magic happens. Where lifelong patterns shatter within days, not decades.

Where you level-up so profoundly and quickly, it makes you question every healing/therapeutic/spiritual paradigm you’ve ever explored. And makes you wonder if this was a fluke or just a temporary high.

But then you do it again. And again. And again. And you realize: it’s no fluke.

All while continuing to strengthen the muscle of following truth no matter WHAT. And atrophying the conditioning’s doubts, fears, and confusion – and their hold over you and your life.

Allowing you to finally live the life that, deep down, you knew you were ALWAYS meant for. But had let conditioning always hold you back from.