Karma is Real (Just Not How You Think)

“Karma is a bitch.”

You’ve heard that phrase a million times. And each time, you’ve hoped beyond hope that maybe, just maybe…it was true.

That a cosmic, unseen hand of justice1 would make sure assholes got the payback they deserved.

The douchebag that ghosted you. The boss who makes your life living hell. That fucker who fucking fucked you over.

Even the most hardcore atheists have all prayed at times, “God, I wish karma would bite them in the ass.”

Well, I have good news and bad news.

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Cry Like a Man

For the past 2 years, I’ve been trying to learn how to cry. But it hasn’t been easy.

As a boy, social conditioning taught me that crying and showing emotion was weakness. I was made fun of. Called a sissy. So pretty quickly, I learned how to numb and shut down those parts of myself.

Now as a 32-year-old man, I’ve seen the costs of having those protective barriers up. The ceiling it’s put on my emotional range. How it’s limited me in my relationships. How it’s left me feeling numb, empty, and confused.

Kept me out of my heart and in my head.

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Breaking the Phone Addiction

A few months ago, I spent two weeks in the mountains of Spain on a spiritual retreat.

It was wonderful.

I spent most of my days completely content with whatever was happening – whether that was watching an ant crawl over my hand, eating in silence, or just simply breathing. Being. Existing.

Two weeks of utter peace and contentment

Which all got ripped away from me in just twenty minutes.

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Advice is Overrated

“I wish I was better at giving advice.”

My housemate was perched in her usual spot, the breakfast nook of our 38-person mansion, thinking out loud.

“Why?”, I asked.

“Because I’ve got nothing to offer when people open up to me. No great wisdom. No sage-like advice. Nothing!”

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up.

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How to Create Habits (Without Being an Asshole to Yourself)

I was hanging out with a friend when she asked me point blank, “So, how do you do it?”

Do…what exactly?

“Create habits so easily. I’ve never met anyone who’s able to set so many new habits – and stick to them – like you can. It’s like your superpower.”

Huh, it never really crossed my mind. But after she mentioned it, I realized I DO create a ton of habits.

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